I pay my phone bills online. But this time I forgot my account's password. So I clicked on the forgot password and I received two short codes, one through sms and the other one thru' email. Once I confirmed both, I was shown a create new password page. Life's good so far. I tried to enter some password.
Attempt 1: xxx
Site: Your password should have atleast one special character
Attempt 2: xxx
Site: Your password should have atleast one number
Attempt 3: xxx
Site: Your password should have atleast 8 characters
Attemp4 : xxx
Site: Your password should have atleast one Capital Letter
Attempt 5: xxx
Site: Your password cannot be the same as previous five passwords!!!!!!
Seriously, by now I was so totally out of passwords.
This time I followed my heart.
Attempt 6: xxx -- Seemed like Success
But ..
Internal Server Error.
The Website is under maintenance. Please try again.
I finally created a new password that I can never forget. It's close to what I felt.
W. T. F!!!