Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Yathaa Raaja .. Thathaa Prajaa!

Someone calls me up on the phone.

me: "Hello"
Sales Guy: "Hellooooo. Sir, please use our credit card. The deal is so exciting that you'll only regret if you did not go for it"
me:"how is it exciting?"
Sales Guy:" blah. blah. blah. (Classic repetitive stuff from the sales guys)"
me: "sorry, it didn't excite me. I will not take the card"
Sales Guy: "Please sir, you have to take it"
me: "Why, I am not really interested"
"Why, what's wrong in this plan"
"I am not interested"
"But why ??"


After 50 more calls from the same guy


"Hello sir, would you like a credit card from our bank?"
"I told you hundreds of times . I am not interested"
"Sir, but why ???"
" Let me talk to your manager , you idiot"
"Sir, you cannot talk to us in that language"
"Sure, I can. Connect me to your manager"

He did connect to the Manager.

Manager: " Hello Sir, Good Morning. Let me first apologize for the inconvenience caused and what seems to be like a problem ?"
"I received hundreds of calls from the same guy every now and then. Please tell him that I have some work here to do and not to disturb me like this. "
"Sure I will Sir. This will not happen again. "
"Ha. Hope this make things easy from now"
"Sure. But sir,
Why didn't you opt for this card anyway !!!"


The Sales Guy was right. I did not go for it and I regret for sure, but for different reasons altogether.


  1. now that you come to know that.................. there exist craziest people than you ;-)
